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Clippy as the star of an ugly Christmas sweater

A rather humorous look at the bigger picture to start the day: Microsoft is now selling its Ugly Christmas sweaters. The star is Clippy.

Clippy, or Karl Klammer as he was called in this country, is certainly known to some of our readers. The talking paperclip has accompanied a generation as an office assistant, thus earning fame. Microsoft takes its past twice with humor. The group is now launching their own Ugly Christmas sweaters, a humorous tradition that has become indispensable in recent years. Windows and retro fans can look forward to the return of the talking paperclip.

Clippy for a good cause

The campaign also serves a good cause: the sweaters are sold to benefit the College Success Foundation. It aims to help students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds achieve their educational dreams. At 74 euros, though, the fun doesn’t come cheap. However, the sweater seems to be selling well, some sizes were already out of stock when this article was written.

through Xbox Equipment Store

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