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Clean White Teeth Without Tartar: Natural Remedies with Lemon and Cloves

RADARCIREBON.ID – Clean White Teeth Without Tartar Just Use Water Lemon and this is all, tartar falls out immediately and looks cool again, here’s how

In addition to the appearance of facial skin, teeth are also an important component of human appearance. In addition to the main function of the teeth for chewing, tearing and helping during the eating process.

Having clean white teeth is everyone’s dream, having clean teeth makes you feel confident.

However, not a few people have dental problems. When consuming daily food or drinks can potentially create plaque buildup.

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Plaque buildup on the teeth if left unchecked will accumulate and become tartar.

The formation of tartar is not only due to plaque buildup, but can also be due to a lack of brushing your teeth or not brushing your teeth correctly.

As a result of tartar if left unchecked it will result in various other dental problems such as creating cavities, inflammatory infections and others.

It will also interfere with self-confidence, apart from appearance it will usually cause bad breath.

If tartar has accumulated and has the potential to cause dental problems, then you can consult a dentist directly.

However, before this happens, there’s nothing wrong with preventing tartar buildup from occurring.

By taking care of it regularly, you can prevent tartar buildup in a natural way.

Using only these 2 kitchen ingredients, you can take care of your teeth naturally, namely cloves and lemon water

The next way to get rid of plaque on the teeth is to use cloves and lemon water.

How: Prepare about 4-5 cloves, mash until smooth.

Then add a tablespoon of lemon juice, stir until smooth.

After that apply the mixture on the teeth.

Scrub with a toothbrush as usual and do it regularly.

This method will be able to maintain teeth and avoid plaque that causes tartar. And if your teeth already have plaque or tartar, then by routinely using lemon and clove water, the tartar will fall out and the teeth will be clean again.

2023-07-17 05:57:59
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