Home » today » Business » City of Stuttgart withdraws license: the hosts of the Grand Café Planie fight back – Stuttgart

City of Stuttgart withdraws license: the hosts of the Grand Café Planie fight back – Stuttgart

The Grand Café Planie has been closed for a week and a half.´ Photo: Leif Piechowski

The hosts of the Grand Café Planie “completely” reject the “allegations of an alleged tax reduction”. Your lawyers told our editorial team on Friday that they would defend themselves “with all legal means”.

Stuttgart – When the Grand Café Planie, which the city withdrew its license a week and a half ago, can open, will now be decided in court. The lawyers of the business owners and two of their executives, who are exposed to massive accusations by the public order office, told our newspaper on Friday that their clients “fully and decisively contradict the allegations of an alleged tax reduction”. In view of the ongoing proceedings, no details would be given. “Our clients will use the legal means available to defend themselves against the allegations and measures in all areas and rely on the rule of law,” said lawyer Benjamin Chiumento on behalf of his colleagues.

On the west was “tax investigation”

The city has so far said little about the withdrawal of the license and has referred to a “long history” in the case of the large coffee house on Karlsplatz. In the meantime it has become known that the tax authorities were present at the search. A witness who happened to be at the scene of the incident took photos of the inspectors who wore vests with the inscription “tax investigation”. Did the city order the café to close too soon? In the case of tax offenses, said Dehoga managing director Jochen Alber, the “process must be completed”. City spokesman Sven Matis did not want to comment on Friday either. Obviously, the innkeepers’ lawyers expect an urgent court decision to lift the closure soon.

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