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City in the World with Northern Lights 300 Nights a Year: Best Destination for Aurora Borealis

There is a city in the world where people can see the northern lights 300 nights a year. This means that it is visible most days of the year, and for those who are passionate about this phenomenon, the destination is a place where they can safely go.

But what are the northern lights, how do they form and what are the best chances of seeing them?

Where can you see the Northern Lights?

You are more likely to see the Northern Lights during the winter between October and April. That’s because the night sky is darker in winter and the daylight hours are fewer.

You need darkness to be able to see the spectacular colors of the northern lights, as they are more difficult to see during the day.

Winter in Northern Europe brings long, dark nights, especially between December and February. In fact, in some regions of the far north, the sun never rises at all – a phenomenon called the “polar night”.

The more hours of darkness there are, the more likely you are to see the Aurora Borealis.

Winter in the Nordic countries is an ideal time to see the Northern Lights.

The Aurora Borealis is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere.

Since solar activity is strongest closer to the North Pole, you should head to the Arctic Circle to increase your chances of seeing the Northern Lights.

The best places to see this light show are Nordic countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland, which are in or near the Arctic Circle.

You can also look for the auroras in Russia, Alaska and the Northwest Territories of Canada.

Why are northern destinations ideal for viewing the Northern Lights? Because it is in the “Aurora Zone”.

The “Aurora Zone” (or “Aurora borealis belt”) is an oval area located between 65-72°N. This strip is where the frequency and intensity of the auroras are highest, so your best option is to visit this area for aurora viewing tours.

Iceland and the northern regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland lie within the auroral zone. However, from time to time the belt extends further south when geomagnetic activity is strong. In 2023, the aurora borealis could also be observed in Romania.

Although sightings of the Northern Lights are possible in the United Kingdom and Ireland, they are too rare for dedicated aurora-hunting expeditions. The closer you are to or even inside the Arctic Circle in one of the locations listed above, the more likely you are to see the aurora.

The city where it is most often seen

One of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights is in Canada. The city of Churchill, in the province of Manitoba, is located in the Aurora Circle, which means it is a great destination to see the northern lights, or aurora borealis.

The Northern Lights can be seen in Churchill up to 300 nights a year.

Because Churchill is a top spot for seeing the Northern Lights, you can catch them while visiting the city during beluga whale season (June-September) or polar bear season (October-November).

The clear, dark skies of February and March are among the best times to see the Northern Lights.

Tour operators in Churchill offer various packages and specially built structures to watch and photograph this amazing light show, according to travelandleisure.com.

The Aurora Domes are heated Plexiglas domes located away from city lights that offer a wonderful view to admire these colorful curtains of light.

Certain packages also include a chance to dine under the Northern Lights while enjoying a menu of regional and local dishes in a pop-up restaurant.

The aurora borealis is a natural phenomenon caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with atoms in the upper atmosphere.

To see this show there must be an increase in solar storms on the sun, the sky must be clear, you must be in the Auroral Circle, and there must be a high KP index.

Churchill is located below the Auroral Circle, thus having a much higher chance of meeting these conditions.

Chances of seeing the Northern Lights are highest in February and March, when the nights are long and cool temperatures often mean clear skies.

Green is a common color for the northern lights, but other colors include purple and pink.

What is the Northern Lights?

The Northern Lights are a stunning and colorful spectacle often seen in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere.

Auroras in the southern hemisphere are known as the southern lights or aurora australis.

Both the aurora borealis and the aurora australis occur near the Earth’s magnetic poles.

Auroras occur when charged particles (electrons and protons) collide with gases in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

These collisions produce small lightning bolts that fill the sky with colored light. As billions of flashes occur in sequence, the auroras appear to move or “dance” across the sky.

The Earth’s magnetic field directs the charged particles towards the poles. The shape of the Earth’s magnetic field creates two auroral ovals above the North and South Magnetic Poles. That’s why auroras appear almost every night in the northern sky from August to May.

Because the International Space Station is at about the same altitude as the auroras, astronauts see them at eye level.

Our planet’s magnetic field forms an invisible shield that protects us from the solar wind. From time to time, the solar wind becomes stronger and penetrates the Earth’s magnetic field.

The stream of particles interacts with gases in the magnetic field (magnetosphere), generating magnificent auroras.

Earth’s magnetic field extends thousands of kilometers into space.

As a rule, the more active the Sun is, the more amazing the auroras will look on Earth.

When solar activity decreases, the oval returns to its normal position and the auroras become less intense.

Also, due to the solar wind, the magnetic field lines sometimes reconnect on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun.

They spring back like an elastic band, sending large amounts of energy back toward Earth’s poles. This phenomenon, called magnetic reconnection, creates stunning aurora displays.

Source: StirilePROTV

Tags: aurora boreala, north pole

Publication date: 28-12-2023 20:34

2023-12-28 18:34:00
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