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Cisempur Tasikmalaya Village Road Damaged for Decades Not Repaired

Jalan Desa Cisempur Tasikmalaya, West Java, has been damaged for 23 years and has not received any repairs until now. Photo: Apip/HR.

Tasikmalaya News, (harapanrakyat.com),- Jalan Desa Cisempur Tasikmalaya, West Java, has been damaged for 23 years. However, until now the road which is the access for residents to carry out activities has not yet received any repairs.

Along 8 kilometers of the condition of Jalan Desa Cisempur, Kecamatan Cibalong, Tasikmalaya Regency, which was badly damaged. Residents also complained about the damage because it became difficult for them to carry out their daily activities. Especially when there are residents who are in an emergency, such as about to give birth.

The head of Kampung Cijerah Hamlet, Melawati said, actually the Cijerah Village Government had several times applied for the repair of Cisempur Road. But so far it has not been realized. Now residents are hoping that the road will be repaired soon.

“This road has been damaged for about 23 years. With a damaged road condition like this it is very difficult to move. Especially during an emergency,” he said, Saturday (14/08/2021).

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Melawati also said, drivers who fall on this road also often happen. Especially during the rainy season because the road becomes slippery.

“The village has submitted a request for repairs. In fact, the village head has proposed it several times, but the Tasikmalaya Regency Government has never realized it,” he said.

For 23 years the road was damaged, continued Melawati, she admitted that she had never seen a Regent of Tasikmalaya who had visited this damaged Cisempur Village road.

Residents hope that the district government can immediately repair this damaged road so that the needs of the residents during their activities can be done quickly.

Especially if there is an emergency, such as a resident who wants to give birth and must get treatment quickly. Meanwhile, the distance to the Puskesmas is quite far, so the condition of road damage that is already like this is very difficult. (Apip/R3/HR-Online)

Publisher: Eva

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