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Cicpc detains a man for fraud with Mexican visas

Officials from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc) arrested a man who defrauded citizens with the alleged delivery of Mexican visas, for which he charged $600 and then did not deliver them.

The detainee is identified as Nilson José Maldonado Narváez, 50 years old, and was apprehended in the Las Palmas sector of the Cabimas municipality, in Zulia state.

“Through a complaint filed by one of the victims and investigations carried out, it was learned that Nilson José Maldonado Narváez (50) requested 600 US dollars in exchange for processing the Mexican visa; However, upon receiving the money, he cut off communication with the victim, harming his economic assets, ”indicates a press release published this Monday, March 6, on the Instagram account of the general director of Cicpc, Douglas Rico.

During the arrest, a cell phone and a computer were seized from Maldonado, from which evidence was obtained that the phone was the one used to communicate with the victim and that forms were located in the computer equipment for the alleged procedure.

The man was left to the order of the Public Ministry.

With press information from Cicpc

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