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Cibulskim scores in the first round of the Swedish Championship ‘play-off’

Latvian hockey player Oskars Cibulskis on Monday in the second “play-off” match of the Swedish Hockey Premier League (SHL) in Orebro Kristera Gudļevska represented in Gavle’s “Brynas” outing to beat Rodrigo Apple a Kristaps Zīles represented by Orebro.

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“Brynas” beat Orebro 3: 0 (0: 0, 2: 0, 1: 0), reaching 1-1 in the first round of the play-offs.

In the 24th minute, Cibulskis successfully scored the winning goal for Dmitro Timashov.

The defender was on the field for only seven minutes and 25 seconds, during which he +1 +.

Gudlevsky, on the other hand, remained on the bench.

His competitor to the place in the goal Veini Vehvileinen repelled all 24 opponents shots.

Meanwhile, in the ranks of the opponents, the team captain Ābols spent 16 minutes and 19 seconds on the ice, during which he threw three times, winning 58.33% of the throw and finished the game with a +/- score of -1.

Zīle earned two penalty minutes in 15 minutes and 59 seconds on the field, during which the goal was not lost, as well as used two methods of force.

The third game in the series is scheduled for Tuesday in Orebro.

Last season, the Lakers defeated Rogle in the Lakers finals.

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