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Chronic Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn, is a chronic disease of the digestive system that occurs when stomach acid, or sometimes stomach contents, flows back/up into the esophagus. When symptoms occur at least twice a week or interfere with life of the person’s daily life, then the diagnosis is chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease, according to doctors. In addition to the classic symptoms (burning sensation in the chest and throat, difficulty swallowing, etc.) there are also some, which are rarely combined with gastroesophageal reflux. The pain is worse when you lie down Acid that should only stay in your stomach is more likely to escape into your esophagus when you lie down or bend over, causing a burning sensation Sometimes when you have a bitter and very acidic taste in your mouth , is due to an amount of gastric fluids that have risen to the oral cavity, even during the meal and not just after it. Many people mistake hoarseness as an early symptom of a cold. If gastric fluids, which are very acidic, often rise up to the esophagus, then it becomes very irritated and the vocal cords become significantly irritated with them. If you suddenly realize that your mouth is producing more saliva than usual, this may be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The production of saliva from the salivary glands relies on the same nerves and reaction processes as when you have to vomit. It’s your body’s way of “washing” the irritation out of your esophagus. Chest pain, which occurs because stomach acids back up into your esophagus, is a classic symptom of acid reflux. But the pain can last longer and be more intense than expected. Many people mistake heartburn for a heart attack. You can never ignore chest pain, especially if it gets worse when you exercise or strain in some way. The pain that comes right after a meal – especially if it’s a big one – often means that the stomach is overloaded and its contents it has nowhere to go but up. But you may be able to prevent this without taking medication. “I would stress not to eat big, fatty meals and be careful with alcohol and tobacco,” says Dr. Coyle, a spokesman for the American College of Gastroenterology. .Many respiratory symptoms, such as chronic cough and wheezing, can also be caused by gastroesophageal reflux, possibly because stomach acids fall into the lungs. after a meal – you should talk to your doctor about having a pH test. It’s a procedure that measures the amount of acid in your esophagus over a 24-hour period and can help determine if you have acid reflux. Coughing and wheezing from the cause of heartburn can become so severe that they could turn into asthma triggers. It is not clear, however, whether frequent heartburn causes the development of asthma. Although many people who have GERD also have asthma and vice versa, the reasons for this connection are not clear. Experts believe that stomach acid can cause the nerves in the chest to tighten, causing the trachea to tighten accordingly to prevent acid from entering it. Again, a simple pH test to determine if you have acid in your esophagus can help you find answers to your problem. Nausea is associated with so many things that it can be difficult to just attribute it to GERD. But according to Dr. Coyle, “for some people, the only symptom they have from heartburn is nausea. If you feel nauseous and you can’t figure out why, one of the possible causes is heartburn,” writes doctorulzilei.ro.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-12-05 23:16:44
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