Home » today » World » Chinese Communist Party Officially Promotes Hu Haifeng to Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs: Analysis and Reactions

Chinese Communist Party Officially Promotes Hu Haifeng to Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs: Analysis and Reactions

[Voice of Hope January 16, 2024](Comprehensive report by our reporter Yang Zheng) The Chinese Communist Party officially announced that Hu Haifeng was promoted to deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Related topics were on the hot search list on Weibo.

According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Communist Party of China on January 16, the State Council of the Communist Party of China appoints and removes state workers. Song Qichao was appointed Assistant Minister of Finance of the Communist Party of China; Hu Haifeng was appointed Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs of the Communist Party of China; Hao Junhui was appointed Political Commissar of the National Fire Rescue Bureau of the Communist Party of China.

Tian Xuebin was removed from the post of deputy minister of the Ministry of Water Resources; Xu Ping was removed from the post of political commissar of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau.

On that day, the topic “Hu Haifeng appointed deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs” became a hot search on Weibo. However, relevant reports on Weibo such as “China Government Network”, “Ifeng.com”, and “Sina” have all enabled comment selection or comment filtering functions, and only a few comments are displayed.

Hu Haifeng is the son of former CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao. On January 3, Hong Kong media “Sing Tao Daily” reported that there were widespread rumors on the Internet that Hu Haifeng returned to Beijing and was promoted to deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Communist Party of China. However, reports at the time also said that it remains to be seen whether the news is true. After all, Hu Haifeng has been rumored to be promoted more than once.

At that time, Zhang Tianliang, a historian and professor at Feitian University in the United States, analyzed that Hu Haifeng was very likely to be promoted this time. Because after things like Qin Gang, Li Shangfu, and the military purge came out, Xi Jinping looked very ugly. After all, these people were officials he promoted himself. At this time, Xi Jinping may make some political concessions to other factions, especially the Tuan faction. Among all Xi Jinping’s enemies, the Tuan Faction is the faction that poses the least threat to Xi Jinping. The Jiang Faction used to be very powerful. Almost every field in China is controlled by the Jiang Faction. The military is something Xi Jinping cannot compromise with because they are too powerful. Xi Jinping would not be able to stand a counterattack if they are strong. However, the Tuan Faction has never really controlled the army. They are all technocrats. In addition, they do not have their own team. Therefore, promoting one or two Tuan Faction will have an impact on Xi Jinping’s power. Not big. Therefore, if Xi Jinping wants to show favor to the Youth League at this time, promoting Hu Haifeng is a very feasible move.

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Editor in charge: Lin Li

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2024-01-16 09:26:46

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