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“China upset over Messi’s ‘Hong Kong no-show’: ‘Argentina friendly match canceled'” – What Does It Mean?

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China upset over Messi’s ‘Hong Kong no-show’: ‘Argentina friendly match canceled’

Hangzhou, China: “Argentine friendly match tour canceled”
Deleting Messi news from SNS… “Messi’s no-show impact”

Soccer star Lionel Messi (left), who plays as a striker for Inter Miami in the U.S. Major League Soccer (MLS), sits on the bench during a friendly match against the Hong Kong Professional Soccer All-Star team held at Hong Kong Stadium on the 4th. Hong Kong = AFP Yonhap News

Hangzhou, China, suddenly canceled the friendly match between Argentina and Nigeria’s national soccer teams scheduled to be held next month. This is interpreted as the effect of the spread of public opposition due to the ‘Hong Kong no-show’ of world-renowned soccer star Lionel Messi (Inter Miami).

According to the Associated Press on the 10th, the Hangzhou City Sports Bureau announced this through its official social networking service (SNS) account the evening before, saying, “For reasons well known to all, we have learned from the supervisory authorities that the conditions for continuing friendly matches are not mature.”

The ‘reason everyone knows’ revealed by Hangzhou City is interpreted as Messi’s no-show in Hong Kong. AP pointed out that this was “an additional impact due to Messi’s no-show in Hong Kong.” The Argentina national soccer team, captained by Messi, planned a friendly tour of China from the 18th to the 26th of next month. During that period, the Argentina national team was scheduled to play against the Nigerian national team in Hangzhou and against the Ivory Coast national team in Beijing.

‘); // For Android update if (location.href.indexOf(‘/News/Read’) > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘Update’) > -1) { $(‘.end-ad-container’) .addClass(‘blind’); }

“We understand that the match has been cancelled,” an Argentine Football Federation official told the Associated Press. “We are looking for another venue to play the Nigerian team.” However, a spokesperson for the Ivory Coast national team told AP that the friendly match against Argentina in Beijing will proceed as scheduled.

Messi plays for Japan three days later, Hong Kong fans even more angry

Hong Kong soccer fans are strongly protesting and demanding a refund after Lionel Messi did not play in a friendly match between the U.S. Major League Soccer (MLS) Inter Miami and the Hong Kong professional soccer all-star team on the 4th. Hong Kong = AFP Yonhap News

‘); // For Android update if (location.href.indexOf(‘/News/Read’) > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘Update’) > -1) { $(‘.end-ad-container’) .addClass(‘blind’); }

China’s ‘erasing the mesh’ has already begun on social media. Previously, Hong Kong’s Chengdu Daily quoted an article posted by Chinese sports influencer Xu Zexin on China’s SNS Weibo on the 8th and said, “The Chinese Football Association has deleted news related to Messi from its official website.” “We understand that related cooperation with the Argentine Football Association, including , has already been discontinued,” the report said.

Messi did not play in the friendly match between his team Inter Miami and the Hong Kong Professional Football All-Star team held in Hong Kong on the 4th due to injury. As expectations were high, the ticket price for the game soared to a maximum of 830,000 won, making Hong Kong citizens furious. About 40,000 fans who came to see Messi from Hong Kong, mainland China and neighboring Southeast Asia strongly protested, demanding a refund.

However, three days after the Hong Kong no-show controversy broke out, Messi played for 30 minutes in a friendly match held in Japan on the 7th, which grew into a controversy over the ‘Hong Kong no-show’. More than 1,300 complaints requesting refunds were filed with the Hong Kong Consumer Commission, and when a Hong Kong Legislative Council member said he would file a lawsuit against Tatler Asia, the organizer of the friendly match, Tatler eventually announced that it would refund 50% of the ticket price.

Ryuho Reporter [email protected]

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2024-02-10 02:16:18

#China #upset #Messis #Hong #Kong #noshow #Argentina #friendly #match #canceled

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