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China-EU Meeting in Jakarta: Strengthening Partnership and Cooperation

2023-07-15 13:31 United Daily News reporter Huang Guoliang / real-time report

According to the information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland at noon today, on July 14, 2023 local time, Wang Yi, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Porrell in Jakarta at request. Porrell told Wang Yi that China is first and foremost an important partner of the EU, and this positioning is very clear and definite. The EU firmly adheres to the one-China policy. Its core connotation is that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is not a country. The EU has never supported Taiwan independence. The EU is willing to maintain strong contacts with China and develop a constructive, stable and long-term relationship.

Porrell said that China plays a key role in global affairs, and the global initiatives put forward by China are widely welcomed. The EU side is willing to discuss how to strengthen the alignment of policies between the two sides, so as to promote practical cooperation to achieve more results. In the global production and supply chain, there is me in you, and you in me. The “decoupling” of Europe and China is unrealistic and impossible. The EU does not support camp antagonism and a parallel system. “De-risking” is by no means aimed at China, and the EU has never intended to hinder China’s development.

Wang Yi said that there is no conflict of fundamental interests between China and the EU. We both advocate multilateralism, support world multipolarization and democratization of international relations, and support the international system with the United Nations at its core. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, which is of great significance in inheriting the past and ushering in the future. It is in the common interests of both sides to strengthen communication, enhance trust and deepen cooperation between China and the EU. The EU side should further clarify the positioning of the strategic partnership between the two sides, and promote China-EU relations to move forward on the existing basis. It should not be vacillating, let alone encourage words and deeds that turn the clock back.

Wang Yi emphasized that China is committed to building a new higher-level open economic system, and will continue to share super-large-scale market opportunities with the world. We support the EU in adhering to strategic autonomy and making independent judgments. We are willing to complement each other’s strengths and form a joint force with the European side, give full play to the effect of 1+1 greater than 2, and connect each other’s global initiatives, including mutual support for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and the “Global Gateway” plan. China and the EU should uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness, jointly promote the process of globalization, jointly maintain the free trade system, jointly oppose protectionism, and jointly resist unilateral bullying. At present, we must be particularly vigilant against politicizing and instrumentalizing economic issues, making “de-risking” a synonym for “decoupling and breaking chains.”

Wang Yi, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), met with EU Foreign Minister Borrell on the sidelines of a series of meetings on East Asia cooperation. Continental diplomacy… Wang Yi held talks with Porrell.Mainland Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

According to the message, the two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine issue. Wang Yi expressed that China supports the establishment of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture, and will continue to be committed to promoting peace talks and playing a constructive role in politically resolving the crisis.

European Union Wang Yi

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#Foreign #Minister #Porrell #Firmly #adhere #oneChina #policy #Taiwan #country
2023-07-15 05:31:41

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