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“Children of High-Ranking National Election Commission Executives Suspected of Preferential Employment”


It was revealed that some of the children of high-ranking executives of the National Election Commission, who are ‘suspected of preferential employment’, received high scores close to perfect from ‘dad colleagues’ in interviews.

Election Commissioner Roh Tae-ak urged him to take responsibility, saying that the power of the people is a set of preferential comprehensive gifts, and the Democratic Party criticized the ruling party’s request for resignation as an attempt to seize the election commission.

Reporter Cho Seong-ho reports.


The process of interviewing the children of high-ranking positions in the National Election Commission was also on the cutting board.

Most of the NEC employees who participated as interviewers received high scores close to perfect.

In 2020, when the children of former Secretary-General Kim Se-hwan were hired by the Incheon City Election Commission, a total of 3 internal members participated in the interview,

Looking at the data secured by the passport, two of them gave the highest score in all five evaluation items, and the other one scored the highest score except for one.

All of the interviewers were said to be colleagues who worked with former President Kim in Incheon.

The children of Shin Woo-yong, a standing member of the Jeju Election Commission, also received high marks from two internal members.

As expected, they are employees who have worked with the new standing committee members.

The children of Secretary-General Park Chan-jin and Deputy Secretary-General Song Bong-seop scored high in interviews, but it was found that the fathers and internal interviewers had never worked together.

It was also revealed that all six high-ranking officials of the National Election Commission, who were suspected, did not ‘report personal interests’ when hiring children.

It is pointed out that at the time these children were hired, they violated the internal code of the National Election Commission, which required reporting to the head of the institution if a relative within 4 degrees was related to the job.

Criticizing that the power of the people is a trick and a comprehensive gift set of preferential treatment, he repeatedly pressed Noh Tae-ak, chairman of the National Election Commission, to express his move.

[유상범 / 국민의힘 수석대변인 : 자녀 특혜채용의 시작부터, 자체감사와 사퇴에 이르기까지 꼼수와 특혜의 종합선물세트라고 해도 과언이 아닙니다. 노태악 선관위원장은 사퇴는커녕 그 흔한 유감 표명 한마디 없습니다.]

On the other hand, members of the Democratic Party’s Public Administration and Security Committee raised concerns about the ruling party’s intervention in personnel from the National Election Commission.

If a specific political party demands the resignation of the election commissioner and seeks to appoint the president and deputy chief as suitable outside figures, it is a political trick to take control of the election commission ahead of the general election.

Given that special audits may reveal additional preferential treatment suspicions, it seems that the passport offensive surrounding the hiring of children of NEC executives will not easily subside.

This is YTN Cho Seong-ho.

Cinematographer: Lee Seong-mo, Han Sang-won
Video editing: Koh Chang-young
Graphics: Kyungyoon Ji

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2023-05-29 09:09:00
#Children #National #Election #Commission #interviews #dads #chance…與 #Preferential #gift #set

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