Home » today » News » Chen Ailin chaired the epidemic prevention and control work planning meeting to win the epidemic prevention and control and crush the battle as soon as possible and restore normal life and orderly production order_Yongzhou News_Yongzhou Government Website

Chen Ailin chaired the epidemic prevention and control work planning meeting to win the epidemic prevention and control and crush the battle as soon as possible and restore normal life and orderly production order_Yongzhou News_Yongzhou Government Website

Chen Ailin chaired the Epidemic Prevention and Control Planning Meeting
Win the battle of epidemic annihilation prevention and control as soon as possible and restore normal life and production in an orderly manner

  • 2022-11-15 09:10
  • source: Yongzhou Daily
  • Publisher:Yongzhou Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau (Government Affairs Open Office)
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Yongzhou Daily News (all media reporter Wang Jing, correspondent Zhao Guisong) On November 13, Chen Ailin, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor who was stationed in Lingling to supervise and lead the prevention and control work of the epidemic, chaired an epidemic prevention and control work planning meeting. He stressed that it is necessary to fully implement the 20 measures to further optimize the prevention and control work, efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in scientific and accurate way, and win the battle of epidemic prevention, control and annihilation as soon as possible. The normal order of life and production will be restored in order, and the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress will be implemented with concrete actions. City leaders Shan Zhufei, He Enguang, Xiao Zhibin, municipal government general secretary Qi Aishe attended.

Chen Ailin pointed out that after the outbreak of the epidemic, the two levels of the urban area responded quickly, all levels and departments worked closely together, the vast number of medical personnel, frontline grassroots workers and volunteers worked hard and the general public has supported and consciously cooperated to build a solidarity to fight the epidemic and overcome the epidemic together. It is a strong and strong fortress, and the prevention and control work has been strong, orderly and effective. At present, the social aspect has been canceled, freeing up more medical resources and human resources, so that you can do a good job in various prevention and control jobs more calmly. Lingling District needs to build up its confidence and determination, fight a battle further, make efficient master plans, and strive to win this war of annihilation for epidemic prevention and control with the smallest scope, the shortest time, and the lowest cost.

Chen Ailin stressed that we must make persistent efforts and resolutely fight to win. It is necessary to vigorously implement and optimize the 20 measures for epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement various prevention and control measures in risk areas, isolated places and key populations, and put an end to “one size fits all” and ” additional measures”. It is necessary to scientifically research and judge, implement precise policies and advance in an orderly manner, so as to restore the order of production and social life as soon as possible, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. The fourth quarter is a sprint period and a decisive period for achieving annual goals: it is necessary to strengthen the coordination of work, compete decisively in the fourth quarter, win the whole year and strive for the best results.

Shan Zhufei demanded that we must adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, make up our minds, strengthen our confidence, and do our best to focus on winning the war of epidemic prevention, control and annihilation. In accordance with the requirements of “strict control of what should be controlled and orderly release of what should be released”, normal production and life should be gradually restored to ensure that epidemic prevention and control are strong and the livelihood of the people is guaranteed. It is necessary to pay close attention to key groups and risk areas, and implement various prevention and control measures in detail to effectively improve the scientific nature and accuracy of epidemic prevention work. It is necessary to do a good job of ideological guidance, address the concerns of the masses, and further create a strong atmosphere of joint efforts to fight the epidemic.

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