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Check car insurance at two portals

Frankfurt/Main –

A comparison portal can help to ensure that an offer does not slip through your fingers when you change your car insurance. However, those willing to change should use at least two portals, advises the Automobile Club of Germany (AvD). Because the cheapest offers are not always displayed.

This is because some portals receive commission from certain insurance companies. Even cheaper offers do not even appear. It is also possible that the stated previous insurance serves as a benchmark for the portal. Therefore, for security reasons, the comparison can also be carried out again with a changed alleged previous insurance.

If you check the conditions on several portals, you should enter the same information about the vehicle and scope of insurance. It is important to look at the scope of services. This is because compromises are often made in order to be able to offer cheaper contributions.

Also ask the old insurer for an offer

If the decision to buy a new car insurance has been made, it is best to contact the current insurer again and ask about their offer before switching. If you actually want to change, you can do so conveniently at the portal that has displayed the cheapest offer.

It is also possible to handle the whole thing through the new insurer, by phone or via their homepage. Once the new insurance contract has been signed and the policy is available, the change has taken place. The registration office then notifies the new auto insurer.

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