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Charlotte Gainsbourg reveals a unique shot of her daughter, and the resemblance is impressive

People and royalty

When Charlotte Gainsbourg publishes pictures of her daughter, Internet users see double.

Charlotte Gainsbourg is used to distilling her poetic or nostalgic photos on Instagram. A few days ago, the Franco-British actress and singer decided to share three successive publications of her daughter. Through the series of black and white photos, we can see little Joe, 9 years old, dozing. Joe is the youngest of three siblings. She arrived after Ben (22) and Alice (17). All three were born from the long relationship between Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal.

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What struck internet users was the likeness of Charlotte Gainsbourg at the same age. Many fans have thus commented: “It looks like you child”, “The same little boil as you child! “,” The spitting image of her mother “, … In the caption of the photo, the proud mother writes: “My eternal source of inspiration”.

A special family situation

We notice that the indication “New York” appears at the corner of the publication. No wonder since Charlotte Gainsbourg had chosen to educate her daughter in America after the death of her sister, Kate Barry, had turned Paris into an unbearable place of life for the actress. Yvan Attal – like their son Ben – decided to stay in France. A choice that obviously does not affect their married life. If they now live mostly at a distance, their love story has lasted for almost 29 years. In 2019, they shared the poster of My stupid dog.

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