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Characteristics of Planets in the Solar System, Complete from Mercury to Neptune


Farther from the sun, past the asteroid ring, lies the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, the first of the gas giants. Jupiter’s distinctive cloud color pattern is caused by large, swirling storms in its atmosphere, which is composed primarily of hydrogen, helium, ammonia methane, and water ice. The largest and most distinctive hurricane, the Great Red Spot, is larger than Earth. This planet features 63 moons and a faint ring system. Jupiter has 75 natural satellites.


Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun, which is also a gas giant. The features of this planet are synonymous with its impressive shape, due to its extensive and complex planetary rings. The rings orbit the planet in a thin band one mile thick.

Saturn’s radius is about 9.5 times that of Earth’s, and instead of a paltry moon, it boasts 62. Saturn’s interior, like Jupiter’s, is mostly made of hydrogen and helium. Approaching the core, the intense pressure turns the gas into a liquid and eventually into a metallic form that conducts electricity. Saturn has 82 natural satellites.

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