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Chamber of Baden-Württemberg: People without papers need health care

Stuttgart. According to the State Medical Association, people without health insurance and without papers should have access to health care nationwide. “Physical integrity is a human right, ensuring health care is one of the most important tasks of every community,” said the President of the Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association, Dr. Wolfgang Miller, on Thursday for Human Rights Day on Sunday.

So-called undocumented people include migrants without residence status, homeless people, sex workers or people who have been thrown off track and cannot pay their insurance contributions. Some even feared serious consequences such as deportation if they had to use the healthcare system in an emergency, for example. The need of those affected is great and growing every day.

Deported straight from the hospital

Also on Human Rights Day, Refugio Stuttgart criticized the deportation of refugees from inpatient treatment. The psychosocial center for traumatized refugees drew attention to the “Treat instead of manage” reporting portal, which was to be launched on Human Rights Day. Cases could be reported anonymously here.

According to Ulrike Schneck from Refugio Stuttgart, who was involved in the conception of the registration office, the registration office provides information about the rights that medical staff have in a situation of deportation from inpatient treatment. In four federal states, deportations from inpatient treatment are generally prohibited or severely restricted: Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein. “This has not yet been the case in Baden-Württemberg.” (dpa)

2023-12-07 14:21:04
#Chamber #BadenWürttemberg #People #papers #health #care

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