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CDA makes ‘painful choice’: livestock must be smaller

‘Farmers’ party’ CDA states for the first time that the livestock in the Netherlands should be reduced. In a new agricultural vision, the party writes that nitrogen emissions must be reduced faster than the caretaker cabinet wants and that this will inevitably have consequences for intensive livestock farming.

In the vision on agriculture, released today, the CDA says it remains against a scheme that forces farmers to stop. Over the next ten to fifteen years, the party wants to invest 1.5 to 2 billion euros in a “new agriculture”, which is better for the soil, nature and the landscape. That money is intended, among other things, for farmers who will be involved in nature management and development.

The nitrogen law states that nitrogen emissions must be halved by 2035. But the environmental damage is so worrying, the CDA writes, that the target should be achieved five years earlier, by 2030. “We will have to look for a new balance, one that does justice to the agricultural sector and the capacity of the soil.”

‘Not an end in itself’

Reducing livestock numbers is not a goal in itself, emphasizes the CDA, which has traditionally championed the interests of farmers and also attracts many votes. But it must be the result “of several factors interacting”. The party states that it is time to break through the ‘status quo’ “Society expects clarity. This clarity must provide the next cabinet. This also includes painful choices.”

Several farmers’ organizations plan to demonstrate again tomorrow against the government’s nitrogen policy. The action groups Agractie and Farmers Defense Force (FDF) are participating, among others. CDA Member of Parliament Boswijk says in the AD that he wants to speak at the action on the Malieveld in The Hague. “I just want to stand on that podium and show leadership as a CDA member.”

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