Home » today » News » CCP Censored Xi Jinping’s Speech at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Turned It into Sensitive Words in Seconds | Xi Jinping |

CCP Censored Xi Jinping’s Speech at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Turned It into Sensitive Words in Seconds | Xi Jinping |

[The Epoch Times, 18 ottobre 2022](Full report by The Epoch Times reporter Zhao Fenghua) On October 16, the CCPWindsdebut.At the opening ceremony, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of ChinaXi JinpingSeveral appeared in the 104-minute speechslip of the tongueand these linguistic slips were quickly listed as forbidden words and were blocked by the entire mainland China network.

PCCWindsDuring the period, the authorities resorted to a dense network of public opinion scrutiny.revision. At the opening ceremony,Xi JinpingThere are still many of them in the speechslip of the tongueand these slips change in secondssensitive word, was banned. Some netizens said the account was immediately banned for posting a comparative map of Xi’s speech sheets.

On October 17, Twitter user @interpreterTEX posted a photo of several slips in Xi Jinping’s speech at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Netizen “Epiphany” said: “I posted this photo on Weibo (account) and the account exploded in seconds.”

“The digital age of China” takes stock of a series of incidents resulting from Xi Jinping’s slipsensitive word

According to China Digital Times, for example, Xi Jinping read “it must be hard to beat the iron” as “it must be hard to beat the blood”. Weibo quickly set “Blood” as a search ban. Full sort only shows one Weibo, and real-time sort shows no results.

In addition to “bleeding”, Xi also misinterpreted “material civilization” as “material civilization”. The research results on Weibo show that almost all of the search results come from Blue V, i.e. institutional and media accounts, and only one comes from normal users. , but it is a user V who has been deauthenticated.

Additionally, banned words also include “live life”, “poke force” and “hit the country”.

Due to the habit of reading “lively and lively (pō)” as “lively and lively (bó)”, and because of the slip “lively and lively bó” it can be spelled in various ways, such as “lively and lively”, “lively and lively”, “lively and lively”. Wave “, etc., Weibo directly set” lively and lively “as a prohibited search (only the blue V was visible in the results), so that it could match all the misreading of” lively and lively “.

“Poke force” is not a slip, but it is misunderstood by some netizens as a slip. In Xi Jinping’s speech, the word “scrutinize and work hard” was misunderstood by netizens as he misinterpreted “lùlì” as “poke force (chuōlì)”. Li (chuōlì) worked hard, “Xi did not mispronounce it and the tone was also correct. However, as it sparked discussions among netizens, research was banned and related discussions were also cleaned up.

“From Jiangshan” was banned from research, but not for a slip of the tongue, but because the word was easily interpreted by netizens as “beating people” in the literal sense, and was also blocked.

Xi Jinping has mentioned many times before that “the country is the people, and the people are the country”, so “hitting the country” is easy to interpret as “hitting the people”. The saying that “the people is the country” comes from Xi Zhongxun’s speech at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. But Xi Zhongxun did not directly add “beating the country” after “the people is the country”.

Xi Jinping’s speech became a sensitive word in seconds, causing heated discussions among netizens:

Netizen “tantan”: Maybe I didn’t practice in advance, maybe no one dared to point out the mistake.

Netizen “ISSAN Che”: Xi’s linguistic competence makes the Internet Chineserevisionthey are exhausted.

Netizen “Leon, sunsoenchol”: The Cultural Revolution harmed that generation and they haven’t studied for a few days.

Netizen “Chen Jiawang”: mispronounces it is normal, officials are very nervous, it is really abnormal and the lack of self-confidence is extreme.

Responsible editor: Gao Jing #

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