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Cava de’ Tirreni, the shadow of the racket on the meat market

Fear, last night, on the border between Cava de’ Tirreni e Nocera Superiore. A paper bomb exploded in front of a well-known food shop in Via XXV Luglio, in the Metellina municipal area. The loud bang made people think of a gas cylinder. The explosion, which occurred after 4am, damaged the display window of the commercial activity which consists of an entrance and two windows on the street, almost on the border with Nocera Superiore.

The activity

The shop, very busy and with a commercial prevalence in the meat sector, is very competitive on the market, thanks to the advantageous prices it offers to its customers. Last night, the roar that woke up the neighborhood sounded like an intimidating message to the business managers and triggered the crime alarm. The carabinieri of the local tenenzam led by the captain arrived on site to investigate the case and start the investigation. Francis of Assisi Longobardi. The investigators combed through the local businesses to acquire private video surveillance footage and reconstruct the action of whoever set off the homemade bomb outside the grocery store. Some footage, in fact, could provide useful clues for identifying the bombers. We try to understand from where and by what means.

#Cava #Tirreni #shadow #racket #meat #market
– 2024-05-09 20:44:43

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