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Causes of Sore Throat When Swallowing: Understanding the Symptoms and Health Conditions

KOMPAS.com – The pain that appears in the throat when swallowing can be caused by various things, ranging from infection to more serious health problems.

Apart from feeling sick, you may also experience other symptoms, such as pain in your jaw, chest, and throat.

To better understand it, find out the following causes of sore throat when swallowing.

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Causes of sore throat when swallowing

Excerpted from WebMD and Medical News Today, here are some causes of sore throat when swallowing that you need to know.

Sore throat or strep throat

Strep throat or sore throat is caused by a Streptococcus bacterial infection.

This condition can trigger a sudden sore throat and is sometimes accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes in the throat.

Tonsillitis is an infection and inflammation of the tonsils in the upper throat.

Tonsillitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, causing difficulty swallowing.

Epiglottitis is a throat infection that causes inflammation of the epiglottis which is a valve-shaped tissue in the windpipe.

Apart from causing pain when swallowing, there are other symptoms that may be experienced, such as fever and high saliva production.

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Fungal infections of the mouth, throat or esophagus can cause pain when swallowing.

The type of bacteria that triggers fungal infections that are often encountered is Candida, but diabetics or those of you who take certain types of steroid drugs also have a high risk.

Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus which is the pipe for transporting food and drink from the mouth to the stomach.

The most common cause of esophagitis is gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. However, several types of drugs and allergic reactions can trigger this condition.

Sores or injuries to the throat

Sores or injuries to the throat can cause pain when swallowing, especially when there is swelling.

The pain that appears will depend on the area of ​​the wound or injury experienced so that some people will experience pain on only one side.

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Fever, flu, or sinus infection

A sore throat when swallowing can be a symptom of a general health problem, such as a cold, flu, and sinus infection.

Sore throats often appear the day before other symptoms, such as a runny nose and cough, appear.

Mononucleosis or mono is an infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus which is also easily transmitted.

Apart from difficulty swallowing, other symptoms you may experience are fever, headache, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, muscle aches, and fatigue.

Type 1 herpes simplex virus can cause pain in the mouth and pain when swallowing.

The pain that appears will generally heal itself after a few days. However, you are still advised to avoid sour foods, get more rest, and avoid stress.

Cytomegalovirus or CMV is a class of viruses that also cause herpes and mono.

Symptoms of CMV that may appear apart from pain when swallowing are fatigue, muscle aches, fever, nausea and vomiting.

Swallowing medicine or food

Food and medicine can get stuck in the esophagus and cause irritation.

Pain when swallowing generally occurs when the food or medicine consumed is too large.

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Crohn’s disease usually affects the large intestine, but it is less likely to affect the esophagus.

Apart from causing pain when swallowing, other symptoms will appear, namely diarrhea, cramps, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

Have certain types of cancer

Pain when swallowing can be a symptom of throat cancer and esophageal cancer.

The pain that appears will be experienced when the size of the tumor increases and the channel in the throat becomes narrower.

Although generally not a serious medical condition, pain when swallowing can be a symptom of certain diseases.

You are advised not to make a personal diagnosis and immediately see a doctor to find out the cause of a sore throat when swallowing and get the right treatment.

You also need to see a doctor immediately if you experience other symptoms, such as difficulty opening your mouth and difficulty breathing, because this could be an emergency condition that needs to be treated immediately.

Also read: Sleeping Positions for Congestion for More Relieved Breathing

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2023-07-10 05:56:00
#Sore #Throat #Swallowing #Kompas.com

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