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“Carola Häggkvist’s Extreme Diet: Controversy and Criticism”

Just a few weeks ago, the Swedish singing star Carola Häggkvist (56) said that she had started a hard diet to lose weight in connection with her upcoming tour.

She chose to follow the extreme diet “The Danish National Hospital’s metabolic diet”, which consists of only drinking coffee for breakfast, eating eggs for lunch and salad with meat for dinner – for 13 days.

According to NRK The Danish Nutrition Council has denied that the National Hospital is behind it, and already warned against the diet in 1995.

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The choice of diet has led to the 56-year-old being met with massive criticism from her followers, who believe that she should not encourage weight loss. Several also have the expression that it is a sensitive topic that should have a “trigger warning”.

The evening paper is among the media that have covered the case.

GO WRONG: Carola Häggkvist has tried her hand at a stationary bike on a beach in Sweden, but it didn’t go very well. Video: carolaofficial
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Responds to criticism

Now Häggkvist has taken to Instagram to respond to the criticism.

“Trying to get rid of my extra pounds has always been a pain for me. So nice when it turns around. And fun! It makes me happy! Can’t I talk about it without seeming superficial? Come on!”, she writes.

She believes that she can finally look at herself in a full-body mirror and like what she sees.

“A working diet for me kickstarts my system and my focus. The voice and thought become clearer. The danger is that one must not forget to drink a lot of water! And don’t train too hard at the same time.”

However, not everyone bought the “Främling” singer’s explanation.

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“You convey an image that if you are ‘fat’, ‘overweight’, ‘a bit round’, you cannot bear to look in the mirror. Is that what you pass on to your daughter?”, writes a follower under the post.

Another follows up:

“Sad that you have to do something about your weight loss… There are too many people with weight problems and eating disorders who don’t need to hear more about this.”

SET OUT: When the artist Carola Häggkvist was to read out the jury votes from Sweden during the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, things did not go quite as planned. Made by Marte Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV.
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– Easy to climb

Despite the criticism, the 56-year-old chooses to continue on the diet. She is on her penultimate day, but says that she will go on it a little longer than planned.

“Because as soon as you start eating again, it’s so easy to gain weight again and then just: ‘Goodbye to everything you’ve fought for,'” she says in an Instagram Story.

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She also says that it’s about wanting to feel light and that the diet works as a “cleansing”.

“I see it as fasting, but then you get to eat a little food every now and then,” she concludes.

2023-05-18 11:57:14
#Hitting #criticism

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