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Caring for Your Body 8 Signs Your Body Is Lack of Vitamin E, Hair Loss! …


Not only good for the skin, these are the benefits of vitamin E for the health of beautiful hair

Grid.id – Our bodies need vitamins and minerals for the proper functioning of the body’s organs.

One of which is vitamin E. which has an important role in the balance of the body.

What happens when the body is deficient vitamin E.?

Also Read: Caring for your body, recognize the signs of your body lacking carbohydrate intake, here it is

ROS can damage our cells through a process called oxidation, and is said to be a potential root cause of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that stops the production or ROS during this oxidation process.

Scientists believe that with limited free radical production, vitamin E may be effective in the prevention of chronic disease.

The additional preventive ability of vitamin E is currently being investigated.

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