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Caring for Car Rims To Keep It Clean and Shiny

Caring for Car Rims
Illustration of Caring for Car Rims. Photo: Ist / Net

Caring for car wheels is very important. Because the important parts to support the trip are the engine and the tires in which there are wheels. The engine is very important because the center of energy and movement in the vehicle is in the engine. If the engine has a problem, the car might break down, even if it can’t be started.

In addition to the engine, there are also tires, including the outer and inner tires and wheels which are the housing to support the car’s load. When there is damage to these wheels, of course the car’s journey will be disrupted. Even if the engine is in good condition, the vehicle will not be able to go on.

Easy Ways to Clean and Maintain Car Rims Correctly

The wheels on the car serve to boost the appearance of the vehicle. Not a few users of this vehicle are willing to change wheels to get a cool car appearance. But you won’t get a car that looks beautiful without taking care of the condition and cleanliness of the wheels.

Many do not pay attention to the state of the wheels, and only focus on the engine. Even though the wheels have an important role in terms of driving comfort and safety.

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Because the location of this wheel is attached to the tire, it will easily get dirty and look dull. So you have to be diligent in cleaning it to keep it shiny and avoid rust.

Wipe the wheels every day

How to care for the first car wheels is very easy and you can do it every day. It will be worth it if you wipe the wheels regularly. Because this will avoid the accumulation of dust which will make the wheels look dull.

You can do this method when the wheels are wet or there is a lot of dust on them. Make sure to use a soft cloth so as not to scratch and scuff the wheels. Wipe it until it is completely dry and leaves no spots or blemishes.

Do Not Wash Wheels in Hot Conditions

When going to wash the wheels, avoid doing it when the wheels are still hot. These hot wheels when splashed with water will trigger fungal growth. For wheels with finger motifs or have lots of bars, it will be more difficult for you to clean them. Try using a soft brush to clean the narrow gaps between the bars.

Using a special wheel cleaning fluid

Most vehicle owners prefer to use soap or detergent to wash car wheels. It’s fun to wash something with abundant foam, but we don’t recommend this method. Detergent or soap can cause the wheels to become dull and leave residual spots on your wheels.

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Do not use acidic or abrasive materials, as these will thin the chrome finish and make the wheels easily damaged. How to care for the right car wheels, wash them with a special liquid to avoid the color of the wheels becoming dull.

Avoid Potholes

To keep the wheels from being dented, try when driving to avoid potholes and always reduce speed. If you often pass through potholes, the wheels will be badly dented and you will not be able to use them. So, you have to bring it to the garage at a cost that is quite expensive.

Routine Maintenance Once a Month

Every now and then try to take the car to the garage to make sure the components on the car, including the wheels, can run smoothly. How to care for the wheels of this car will avoid missing damage to some parts of the wheels or tires.

Check Before Traveling

In order for the trip to remain smooth, there is nothing wrong with checking the condition of your wheels. Do not let your wheels have problems in the middle of the road so that the trip is interrupted and instead you have to go to the garage.

Clean the wheels with lemon

This natural material is useful for cleaning wheels from stains caused by other acids. Lemon which is a fruit can make the wheels shiny.

The method is quite easy, consider the following steps.

– First wash the wheels with water until they are clean, making sure there is no dirt or sand left

– Mix half a cup of warm water with half a cup of lemon juice, then mix in a bottle

– Use this liquid to wipe with a soft cloth. The acid in lemons cleanses dirt and grime

– Let the liquid mixture of lemon juice and water stick to the wheels for 10 minutes

After that, rinse the lemon juice from the wheels using clean water

– How to care for the last stage of car wheels, clean with a soft cloth to dry. (R10/HR-Online)

Editor: Adi Karyanto

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