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“Caretaker PM Najib Mikati Thanks Iraq for Support during Lebanon’s Crisis”

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati stressed, “Iraq has always been a giving hand to Lebanon in this difficult circumstance, and I thank the Iraqi government and people for everything it offers to Lebanon.”

Mikati pointed out, in an interview on Al-Iraqiya News channel, that “if it weren’t for Iraqi oil, we wouldn’t have a single minute of electricity, and through it, the supply continued in public institutions, especially the Beirut port and Beirut International Airport,” noting that “we preach to the Lebanese an increase in hours.” Electricity is supplied to every Lebanese and to every home thanks to Iraqi oil, and the Iraqi fuel initiative was issued from Iraq, especially since we have gone through obstacles to paying the required sums.

Mikati stressed that “there are no conditions from Iraq on Lebanon, and we will provide all the necessary facilities to Iraqi merchants and importers from Lebanon,” explaining, “We regret that we have been without a president for 6 months, and I call for dialogue between the Lebanese parties to agree on a president.”

2023-05-18 13:22:06
#Good #news #Miqati

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