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Cardiologists named two signs of high blood pressure appearing on the face

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Doctors from the Heart Association explained that there is a category of people who do not feel high blood pressure.

They feel great for a long time, but they have high blood pressure. It is important not to start the disease, because the insidiousness of hypertension lies in the absence of symptoms and, when they appear, it often turns out that time is wasted. Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of hypertension so that you can take measures and prevent the development of the disease, writes lenta.ua.

Cardiologists advise older people who are not in control of their blood pressure to pay attention to two facial symptoms that appear in people with hypertension.

“Redness of the whites of the eyes and the appearance of microbleeds in them, as well as redness of the skin of the face, can be symptoms of arterial hypertension. It is necessary to pay attention to this, although the face may blush for other reasons, ”cardiologists say.
Experts noted that blood spots in the eyes appear from rupture of small blood vessels under high pressure. They cannot withstand stress and burst, thereby causing subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Facial redness also occurs due to blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. They expand in order to allow the stronger blood flow caused by the increased pressure. In this case, a person can feel the heat that rushes to the face. It often happens that these two symptoms are not present in all hypertensive patients.

Therefore, everyone over 40 should have their blood pressure checked regularly, even though they feel well.

Earlier we wrote that the American Dental Association recommends chewing gum after meals and drinks for twenty minutes. This time is sufficient to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

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