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Can Liver Cirrhosis Be Cured? Check out the following explanation…

KOMPAS.com Liver cirrhosis is liver damage that occurs when scar tissue replaces healthy cells in the liver or liver liver.

Conditions that are often dangerous to health are often worrying, can liver cirrhosis be cured?

Check out the following explanation to find out Can liver cirrhosis be cured? to how to treat it.

Also read: Know What is Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Complications to Watch Out for

Reported from WebMD, liver cirrhosis is generally not curable. Liver damage when healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue is permanent.

However, this disease can be treated. Treatment for cirrhosis of the liver aims to prevent further liver damage and prevent liver cirrhosis complications which can have fatal consequences.

In addition to undergoing treatment, people with liver cirrhosis also need to change their lifestyle to be healthier.

Also read: 3 Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis Early Stage, Advanced, to Dangerous

How to treat liver cirrhosis

Reported from NHS and WebMDhow to treat this health problem needs to be adjusted to the roots causes of liver cirrhosis. Here are some of them:

  • Make lifestyle changes by running a healthy diet, limit salt, avoid raw food
  • Get vaccinated to prevent various diseases, such as flu, pneumonia, hepatitis, Covid-19, etc.
  • Make sure the patient does not carelessly take over-the-counter or herbal medicines. Always consult the treating doctor before taking certain drugs
  • Consumption treat the root cause of the disease. For liver cirrhosis due to chronic viral hepatitis, doctors usually prescribe antiviral drugs
  • Take medication to relieve symptoms of the disease. Doctors usually prescribe diuretic medications to prevent fluid buildup in the body, high blood pressure medications to treat portal hypertension, or ointments for itching.
  • Overcoming complications of liver cirrhosis. If liver cirrhosis triggers esophageal and gastric varices, doctors usually prescribe medication or therapy to stop and prevent bleeding. If there are complications of bacterial infection, doctors often prescribe antibiotics
  • Prevent bleeding with drugs or blood plasma transfusions. For cirrhosis of the liver that causes blood clotting disorders, the doctor may give drugs or blood plasma
  • Anticipating liver cancer. Complications of liver cirrhosis can also cause liver cancer. For this reason, patients with liver cirrhosis need to be checked every six months
  • Liver transplant if liver cirrhosis is severe enough to cause serious complications. This medical procedure requires a healthy liver from a donor. Patients need to wait until they find a suitable liver donor

Remember, even though you’ve got a less than pleasant answer to the question of whether liver cirrhosis can be cured. But, you can reduce liver cirrhosis symptoms and its complications with appropriate treatment.

Also read: 12 Complications of Liver Cirrhosis to Watch Out for

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