Home » today » Health » Called the planet of hell, the orbit of this first planet outside the solar system lasts only 17.5 hours per year

Called the planet of hell, the orbit of this first planet outside the solar system lasts only 17.5 hours per year

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID- Discussions about planets and the solar system are always interesting to discuss in videos and articles.

This time, there’s a quest on a planet that has so little time in a year earth.

Yes, planets out Solar system alias exoplanet This is probably cool compared to the others. Because a year on the planet lasts only 17.5 hours.

The exoplanet is called 55 Cancri e, known as the planet hell. Planet is located 40 light-years from earth and so hot that there’s also an ocean of molten lava that heats up to 1,982 degrees Celsius.

Its uniqueness is not only this. The planet, officially named Janssen, orbits its parent star, Copernicus, so closely that it can complete one orbit in less than an Earth day.

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If you do the math, a year for this planet is only about 17.5 hours earth.

Orbit Planet outside Solar system this which is so fast, that a year lasts only 17.5 hours, is also why exoplanet Janssen has a very hot temperature.

But par Astronomer it is also at the same time led to wonder whether planets are always so close to their stars.

To find out, the researchers used a new instrument known as the EXtreme PREcision Spectrometer (EXPRES) to determine the exact properties of planetary orbits.

The findings may also help astronomers gain new insights into planet formation and how these celestial bodies develop their orbits.

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Quoted by CNN, Friday, December 16, 2022 EXPRES has the ability to measure small shifts in starlight from Copernicus when the planet Janssen moves between the Earth and a star, such as when the Moon blocks the Sun during a solar eclipse.

Observations found that Janssen orbits the star’s equator. But it is not the only planet orbiting Copernicus. Four other planets in different orbits inhabit the star system.

Astronomers believe Janssen’s orbit indicates that the planet originally started out on a cooler orbit long before it was close to Copernicus.

But the gravitational pull of the star’s equator then changed Janssen’s orbit.

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