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Argentina has had the National Registry of Bone Marrow Donors for 19 years and that means the possibility of providing new life opportunities for anyone in the world. Since its creation, 1,376 Argentine men and women have had access to a transplant without having to travel abroad.

Bone marrow donation is a voluntary, free, free and supportive act that increases the chances of patients who need a cell transplant. 75 percent of patients do not have a compatible donor in their family group and must use an unrelated donor.

“If you are between 18 and 40 years old, you can register as a bone marrow donor. You must weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good health. You have to donate a unit of blood in one of the associated centers (they can be consulted at https://www.argentina.gob.ar/donar-medula/donde) where they will take a small sample for genetic analysis. You are going to complete a form with personal and essential information to contact you if necessary. By doing so, in the course of approximately six months, you will become part of the National Registry of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors, which in turn is part of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA)”, they urge from the Hemotherapy Service of the San Felipe.

Consulted by EL NORTE, the Head of the Hospital Service Dr. María José Heymo specified: “The Hemotherapy Service of the San Felipe Hospital is a sample collection center for those who want to register as bone marrow donors. The procedure is the same as a regular blood donation. In the event that there is a possibility of compatibility with a donor somewhere in the world, they generally contact the donor directly and notify the service so that we can take samples again to carry out more specific analyses. Then, negotiations with the donor remain in the hands of Incucai. This is how the donation procedure is coordinated.”

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