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Calculate Your Net Salary for 2024: Use the Gross-Net Calculator for Accurate Results

Of course, a salary increase is a great thing, but what is important is not the gross salary, but what is actually paid to you every month. Unfortunately, your net is a good deal below the gross. You can determine exactly how much using the gross-net calculator from Stiftung Warentest.

The calculator is already calibrated to the rules of 2024. So take a few minutes and calculate what net salary will end up in your account every month next year. To do this, you must select “2024”, the three previous years are also supported.

You can choose whether you want to calculate the net salary for the month or the year. It’s easier with the monthly calculation, because all you have to do is grab your last payslip, type in your gross wage and easily read off the remaining values.

Enter the appropriate tax class, your federal state and the health insurance company. You can also specify possible allowances and child allowances. By clicking on “Calculate”, the calculator not only spits out your net salary for 2024, but also lists the individual items that will be deducted from you.

2023-11-07 10:07:43
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