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Bun, be careful! These symptoms of COVID-19 are rarely realized


When the Corona Virus enters the body, the body will automatically respond via the immune system. This response will then trigger the symptoms of COVID-19.

Bun, the symptoms experienced by Corona patients are actually quite diverse. Some of the most common symptoms include fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, chest pain and shortness of breath, fatigue, gastrointestinal infections, and loss of the sense of smell and taste.

However, apparently there are other symptoms that are rarely realized, even often ignored, Mother. Quoted from the Times of India page, here are some of the symptoms of COVID-19 that people often don’t realize.

1. Red eyes

Recently, cases of eye infections in many COVID-19 patients have increased. Conjunctivitis, such as redness and swelling of the white tissue in the eye, has been identified as a rare but common symptom in patients with the Corona COVID-19 virus. This can cause intense itching and redness of the eye, after which it can lead to severe complications.

2. Stomach pain and gastrointestinal problems

According to a report published by the American Journal of Gastroenterology, Coronavirus can cause severe gastrointestinal or gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.

In data that looked at about 204 patients in China, as many as 48.5 percent had this stomach problem, Bunda. Generally, patients with COVID-19 complain of stomach pain before developing other symptoms that are common for the disease.

3. Brain fog or brain fog

Mothers may already know that fatigue is a common symptom that is often encountered in COVID-19 patients. However, some people also report complaints of mental fatigue, which is known as brain fog.

To prevent Corona virus infection, of course mothers and families must be vigilant, not ignoring both general signs and other signs that are rarely realized. In addition, make sure that Moms always #rememberpesanibu, namely 3M, #pakaimasker when traveling, always #mencitangan, and #maintain with people around you.

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]


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