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Bumdes Award Registration in Ciamis Until July 31st, Those Who Have Not Registered Immediately!

News Ciamis, (harapanrakyat.com), – The implementation of the Bumdes Award program in Ciamis Regency, West Java, has now entered registration.

This collaboration program between the Regency Government and the Ciamis State Prosecutor’s Office must be followed by all Bumdes in Ciamis Regency.

The Head of Community Empowerment and Village Community Development, DPMD Ciamis, Dania Rahayu, SE M.Si, asked Bumdes that had not registered to register immediately.

“The deadline is July 31, 2022, for online registration, the link has been shared to every village,” said Dania, Monday (25/7/2022).

To date, Bumdes that have registered for the Ciamis Bumdes Award program have reached 138 villages.

“Now there are only 138 villages, we hope that by July 31 all Bumdes have registered, because this program is mandatory,” he said.

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Dania said that during the implementation of the Bumdes Award in Ciamis, there were three stages of assessment. The first stage is administrative selection.

If you pass the administrative selection, you will enter stage 2, namely assessment. There are 5 aspects that will be assessed by the jury, starting from institutions, human resources, management, reporting and assets.

“For the third stage or the final stage, namely ranking,” said Dania.

The announcement of the winner of the Ciamis Bumdes Award will be held on December 9, 2022, to coincide with the world anti-corruption day.

Dania continued, the Bumdes Award program is also in order to explore the problems faced by Bumdes.

“Later it will be seen what the problems faced by Bumdes are, so we make a solution, so that Bumdes can progress and develop,” he explained.

In the future, his party will also establish a Healthy Bumdes Clinic. “The clinic will later become a service center for Bumdes to consult regarding the problems faced. That way, it will be easier for us to help and provide solutions,” concluded Dania. (R8/HR Online/Editor Jujang)

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