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Build Bigger Shoulders with These Four Dumbbell Exercises

Build Bigger Shoulders: Try This 4-Move Dumbbell Workout

Looking to build well-defined shoulders? Want to add more muscle mass to your upper body? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll show you an effective 4-move dumbbell workout that targets all three shoulder heads (anterior, posterior, and lateral deltoids) to help you achieve those boulder shoulders you desire. Whether you have two dumbbells or just one, you can still perform these exercises and get amazing results.

What is the 4-Move Dumbbell Shoulder Workout?

If you want to challenge your muscles and improve your form, check out YouTuber Marino Katsouris’ shoulder workout routine. With just two dumbbells, you can perform these four specific exercises:

  • Lateral raises
  • Upright rows
  • Bentover row rear deltoid focus
  • Alternating hammer shoulder press

Complete 10-12 reps of each exercise, rest for 90 seconds, and repeat for 4 rounds.

Trainer Tips

If you have limited access to gym equipment, you can still perform this upper-body dumbbell workout. Adjust the reps or split them to work each side of your body individually. Here are some tips for each exercise:

Lateral raises

During lateral raises, make sure to push the weights as you lift them and control the descent. Avoid swinging the weights, as it indicates the weights are too heavy. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.

Upright rows

For upright rows, lean slightly forward, target your lateral and frontal deltoids, trapezius, and biceps. Avoid shoulder rotation, and focus on pulling your shoulder blades together, squeezing your back muscles.

Bentover row rear deltoid focus

During bentover rows, adopt a wider arm position to focus on your posterior deltoids. Keep your back flat, hinge at the hips, and brace your core. Use an overhand grip with palms facing your body.

Alternating hammer shoulder press

Finish the workout with the overhead press, also known as the hammer grip shoulder press. Use a neutral hand position with palms facing each other. Alternate arms and focus on core strength without using your legs to assist the movement.

Benefits of Dumbbells for Shoulders

In our years of teaching weightlifting, one technique stands out — using free weights like dumbbells to build strength and muscle. Dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells are superior to machines as they improve mobility, stability, and range of motion. They recruit more muscle groups and enhance movement patterns.

Strengthening your shoulders forms the foundation for various upper-body exercises, whether you’re a powerlifter, weightlifting beginner, or just working on improving your overall strength. Each exercise in this dumbbell workout engages your core muscles, stabilizes your shoulder joints, and enhances your posture, thereby ensuring optimal results.

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