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British people can go to the park and outside, but must ‘stay alert’ NOW

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced some easings of the lockdown in the United Kingdom on Sunday evening. For example, people who cannot work at home, such as in construction, are allowed to return to work from Monday.

Also, from Wednesday, people are allowed to exercise outside again, to the park and everywhere by car, as long as they keep a distance from others and only do so with their own household. However, the fines will be increased for not keeping “appropriate distance,” Johnson said.

Before the easing, people were only allowed to go outside once for sports and were not allowed to go to the park. The previous motto Stay at home (Stay at home) is replaced by the advice Stay alert (Be alert).

Johnson further said schools in the UK will open in phases at the earliest on June 1, and catering and other public places should not reopen until July, provided contamination is limited.

In the United Kingdom, the death toll from the coronavirus increased by 268 on Sunday to 31,855 and the confirmed number of infections increased by 3,923 to 219,183.

Scots must be kept indoors

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon will not be part of the new campaign by British leader Boris Johnson. She prefers to sail her own course. “‘Stay vigilant’ is a vague term, I’d rather call people to stay at home,” she refers to Johnson’s announced plans to give people a little more freedom.

She also finds it hard to read what Johnson is up to in the newspaper. “That’s not the place to read such things.” Sturgeon has since spoken to Johnson and on the basis of this decided to maintain her own measures for the time being. “We are moving at different speeds. My message to Scotland remains the same: please stay at home.”

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