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British corona vaccination campaign: authorities warn allergy sufferers

Reactions occurred in two health care workers after corona vaccinations. Both had a “serious history” and are already recovering.

London. In the jubilation over the rapid start of the Covid-19 vaccinations in Great Britain, the first doubts are now mixed. After two health workers developed mild symptoms after vaccination, the UK drug agency MRHA decreed that “people with a serious history of allergic reactions to vaccines, drugs or food” should not be given the active ingredient from Pfizer / Biontech. The authority expressly spoke of a “precautionary measure”.

The two people who responded to the vaccine are carriers of adrenaline autoinjectors. These devices are used by allergy sufferers to protect themselves from a shock reaction – for example due to the consumption of nuts. “Both are recovering well,” Stephen Powis, the NHS medical director, told a parliamentary committee.

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