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Bridge over the Strait of Messina, expropriations have begun

Roma — The race continues. While waiting for a real definitive project to be approved by a state body, the Ministry of the Environment and Cipess at least, the Ministry of Infrastructure led by Matteo Salvini, who plays an important part of the electoral campaign in view of the European elections on the Bridge, has rush. And so the procedure for the expropriation of 450 homes between Messina and Villa San Giovanni began in record time to make room for the future construction site of the Bridge over the Strait. The CEO of the Stretto di Messina company Pietro Ciucci signed the public notice that restarts the expropriation machine started in 2011. The residents of the two shores, Sicily and Calabria, involved in the great work announce appeals and complaints.

For 60 days, starting from next April 8, “the subjects whose assets are affected by the expropriation procedures will be able to make their possible observations”, reads the notice. «This intermediate phase – says CEO Ciucci – will allow all interested parties to view the project documentation relating to the expropriation plan and formulate any observations».

The spa has made two offices available, in Messina and Villa San Giovanni, for those who have properties or land that fall within the construction site areas. All on the basis of the final project updated by the private individuals of the Eurolink group which has yet to be approved by both the Ministry of the Environment and the Cipess: only then, formally, will the expropriations become enforceable with the declaration of public utility of the areas.

The notice starts the bureaucratic machine, let’s say, even if the scientific committee appointed by the Stretto di Messina company itself, in giving a favorable opinion while waiting for the executive project (the one needed to open the construction sites) made 68 comments on the papers presented by the private: findings of no small importance, ranging from seismic tests to wind tests, from the tightness of the tie rods to the use of new steel. Minister Matteo Salvini wants everything to be done quickly and so here is the notice for the expropriations.

The families involved, 300 on the Sicilian coast and 150 on the Calabrian coast, announce barricades: «I have a house where I have always lived, summer and winter, for 22 years – Mariolina De Francesco tells LaPresse – it is not a second, third or fourth home , as they say. Where do ten thousand expropriated people go? In a city that is already devastated in many areas anyway.” «This story has become a nightmare», continues De Francesco. A committee has been created in Messina that will initiate legal appeals: «We have created a Capo Peloro committee and there are thousands of people interested and who are already taking action, we will agree on the activities to be carried out, certainly joint legal actions to protect the territory and to allow these people to remain in their homes”, says Daniele Ialacqua of the No Ponte Network.

#Bridge #Strait #Messina #expropriations #begun
– 2024-05-13 13:06:54

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