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Breaking news … Flash statement from President Erdoğan: If they continue, they will get the answer as much

President Recep Tayyip ErdoganHz. He made evaluations about the agenda after the Friday prayer in Ali Mosque.

Answering the questions of press members on the agenda at the exit of the mosque, President Erdoğan, East MediterraneanWhen asked about the harassment of the Greek frigate against the Oruç Reis ship, he stated that the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean were troublesome.

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Reminding that ships carrying out seismic research and drill ships are traveling in the region, President Erdoğan stated that Oruç Reis is one of the important ships conducting seismic research and said: “We cannot leave unanswered the slightest attack against our civilian ships. As a matter of fact, such a situation occurred yesterday. Kemal Reis gave the necessary answer to these. Then they retreated to their own harbor. If this continues, they will get the answer as many times as possible. We cannot leave them unanswered. However, you know that we are the country with the largest distance in the Mediterranean, especially in terms of distance. The others don’t actually even have a distance here. A lane that can be expressed in meters is theirs, but our case is not so. Therefore, Oruç Reis will continue his studies here until the 23rd of the month. I also spoke to Mr. Chancellor Merkel about this yesterday. His natural request from us, ‘I mean, we don’t have anything to say about this anymore, but let’s soften this work in terms of the work that our consultants will do until the 28th, after 23, and develop a process in a more protective understanding.’ they said. We have agreed. “


news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5f3673ac7152d81a3085d2c1">Breaking news ... Flash statement from President Erdoğan: If they continue, they will get the answer as much.



Expressing that they also discussed this issue with Lebanese President Mişel Avn, President Erdoğan said, “Mr. Chancellor had a meeting with Miçotakis after me. I hope he will bring Miçotakis to the line he told us in this meeting. If Miçotakis did not respect international law at this point, as you know, they scanned the cemeteries of our cognates in Western Thrace with guns, and fired our cemeteries there. These are not positive signals at all. We do not leave the living and dead of our kin alone. We will do whatever is necessary when the time comes. I have said this very clearly ”he said.

On the question of the Exclusive Economic Zone Agreement between Greece and Egypt, President Erdoğan made the following comments: “I am having difficulty understanding Egypt on this matter. Because Egypt, on the one hand, says other things to my intelligence organization through its intelligence agency. So ‘There are misunderstandings here.’ says. ‘It would be beneficial if we corrected these misunderstandings.’ says. Currently, our intelligence organization is continuing and will continue their talks with the intelligence organization. The Turkish people’s view of the Egyptian people is different. In other words, it is not possible for the Egyptian people and the Turkish people to look at each other and to be in line with the Greek people. Therefore, the rulers of Egypt rather than the Egyptian people should realize this understanding, which is also revealed by our civilization values ​​coming from history. I am overcoming this, unfortunately, wrong steps are being taken in Saudi Arabia during this process. I told my Foreign Minister about this today. “Discuss this with your interlocutor and take necessary steps in this regard.” I said.”

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5f3673ac7152d81a3085d2c3">Breaking news ... Flash statement from President Erdoğan: If they continue, they will get the answer as much.



Referring to the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates on the question, President Erdoğan said, “The solidarity between Israel and Egypt and Greece, and on the one hand, the step taken towards Palestine is not a swallowable step. Now he is probably closing or withdrawing the Palestinian embassy. The same is true for us now. I also gave the order to my Foreign Minister. I said; We may take a step, especially to suspend diplomatic relations with the Abu Dhabi administration or to withdraw the ambassador for us. Because we are with the Palestinian people. “We never fed Palestine, we will not feed it,” he said.

President Erdoğan answered the question regarding the attitude of the European Union countries in the Eastern Mediterranean as follows: “It was the Berlin Conference. The Berlin Conference was more of course about Libya. Almost none of the participants of the Berlin Conference did not comply with the terms and conditions of this conference. On the other hand, we have taken the necessary steps to be taken regarding the Berlin Conference within diplomatic law, and we continue to do so. During this period, I had many meetings with the Honorable Chancellor. Likewise, my consultant Mr. Kalın has had meetings with Hecker, and it continues to do so. Meanwhile, these negotiations will continue. “


“Will new measures be taken to stop the depreciation in the Turkish lira?” President Erdogan stated that an evaluation will be made by convening the economic committee this week.

President Erdoğan said: “These are not new attacks that we are used to. Before that, they did the same operations to us from outside, they continue to do so. But Turkey is strong in these matters, it is getting firmly on the ground. It will continue to press firmly after that. Goodness we are on a solid ground and we continue on this ground ”.


President Erdoğan, upon being reminded of the opening date of the schools, said that the Scientific Committee carried out all the work on this issue, that the relevant ministers complied with the decisions of the Scientific Committee and that they would continue to comply.

President Erdogan said, “We should pay attention to these three rules as a nation for masks, distance and cleanliness. If we feel sorry for ourselves, let’s pay attention to these, but if we do not feel sorry for ourselves, I have nothing to say ”.

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