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Brawl Ibra-Lukaku: here are the very heavy sentences that have been said

An unprecedented clash at the end of the first half, with teammates to divide them. The two physically seek each other. In the second half Zlatan is expelled and at the end of the match he apologizes to his teammates

Of voodoo rituals and goals, derby and shame. The worst of shame, the Scala of football as a saloon, a pity that the film is sad, as well as the world tour as an upside-down spot for Italian football. Ibrahimovic and Lukaku score, yes. But of this cold night no one will remember Zlatan’s right in the corner, or Romelu’s textbook rigor. The fight at the end of the first half between the two, with words that bring up relatives, African origins and religious ideas, instead is destined to never be forgotten. After all, the two did not love each other was well known, from the time of betting on technical skills at United. In the Rossoneri area, however, we went further.

The facts

Everything happens at the end of the first half. The confusion breaks out, Ibra and Lukaku are looking for each other, the lips don’t betray. Ibra meets the Belgian’s gaze, smiles provocatively and then says to the Nerazzurri: “Call your mom, go do your voodoo rituals of shit, little ass”. The reference to voodoo must be explained. In England it caused a sensation when Lukaku refused to renew his contract with Everton, despite a super offer from the executives of the time, because one step away from the signing he was so advised by his mother Adolphine, a woman of Congolese origin, that in a voodoo ritual – in fact – he would have received the suggestion to have his son signed with Chelsea. It was 2017, Lukaku then actually left Everton, but went to United, finding himself as a teammate Ibrahimovic. Romelu immediately understood Ibra’s reference, of course. And in fact he replied: “Do you want to talk about my mother? Why?”. And then: “Fuck you, you and your mother. Let’s talk about yours, your mother: it’s a p …”. The thing went on under the eyes and ears of Valeri, who warned the two (yellow which, moreover, will skip the first leg semi-final to the Inter). “Why are you only talking to me? Go talk to him,” Lukaku asked the referee. Meanwhile, Ibra continued to smile: “I’ll wait for you later”. And the aftermath came, because as soon as the first half was over, an irrepressible Lukaku went to physically look for the Swede, barely stopped by the Nerazzurri team manager Tagliacarne, Lele Oriali and some teammates.

The two enemies

In the second half Ibra thought about avoiding other direct clashes, going to look for the second yellow card. Then Lukaku’s draw and an exultation that in his heart the Belgian cannot fail to have dedicated to his mother, the person of whom Big Rom says: “You are the only woman who matters to me”. She is the woman who raised the boy – the story of the elongated milk is part of Romelu’s biography – and who today also takes care of Lukaku’s son, Romeo. “The derby is also this, there are situations that make you angry – Antonio Conte tried to dribble – I like to see Romelu like this, on the piece. Ibra has the wickedness of a winner, Romelu is growing from this point of view. angry, it just makes me happy “. Pleased, actually, that Big Rom would have gladly avoided. Beyond, there is a silent Zlatan. Who at the end of the game in the locker room apologized to his teammates for the red card, but assured that he did not use racist words (according to the reconstruction filtered by Milan, it would have been Lukaku to attack Romagnoli and Saelemaekers, and Ibra would have intervened in defense of comrades). His religion is respect for the religions of others. So has always said Ibra, a Catholic Croatian mother, a Bosnian Muslim father. He never cared about the beliefs of others and countries of origin. “Two goals, a pitch, a ball. In Rosengard we were all together”. But in Rosengard, called the ghetto by the bourgeois part of Malmoe, you also learn a bit of a language, certain brisk ways that occasionally resurface. And the career of Zlatan, who scored the 499th goal at Inter and scored for the third derby in a row, is full of fights, elbows, suspensions. Last diplomatic incident, a few days ago with Zapata who made fun of the many penalties granted to the Rossoneri. The goal scored against Inter was not enough to calm his nerves. Against Lukaku he missed too many words that will not leave their mark in the league (possible disqualifications will be served in the next Italian Cup), but they leave a shadow on his derby. “The bickering had an influence, the first yellow card caused the expulsion”, commented Pioli. “They are adults and vaccinated, I don’t know what they said to each other, it can happen, Ibra apologized as a great champion he is. We have to get over it and think about the next match”. After two defeats, although very different from each other, Milan must find pace and serenity. And Zlatan will have to do it too.

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