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“Brando of the East”: George Khabbaz Shares How He Successfully Reversed the Equation

He imbibed art since his childhood, his parents preceded him in the field, and he took to the stage of the school theater at the age of 4 years, and today he is one of the most important artists in Lebanon, as he is a professional in acting, especially theatrical, and composition and music, and he chose a special color for himself in critical and satirical art .. He is the artist George Khabbaz, who was recently shown the series “Brando Al Sharq” by

He imbibed art since his childhood, his parents preceded him in the field, and he took to the stage of the school theater at the age of 4 years, and today he is one of the most important artists in Lebanon, as he is a professional in acting, especially theatrical, and composition and music, and he chose a special color for himself in critical and satirical art .. He is the artist George Khabbaz, who was recently shown the series “Brando Al Sharq”, written and starring him, alongside the Syrian star Amal Arafa. The work tells the story of the suffering of an artist looking for someone to produce a series for him. He frequents the producers; To be shocked by their requests that have nothing to do with art.. “Zahrat Al-Khaleej” met the Lebanese artist; This was the dialogue:

• What do you say about «Brando of the East»?

It is a series that is not similar to other television works, in terms of approaching the subject and the directorial vision, in addition to the text and the actors participating in it, led by the distinguished artist Amal Arafa, this creator with a long history in drama and comedy, and she is the one who combined these two colors in this series. I am very happy with the audience’s reaction to this series, which has achieved an important presence amidst a large number of works that are shown simultaneously.

• You celebrated the launch of the work in the Emirates, and walked on the red carpet.. What is the benefit of these celebrations for television works?

– In fact, the main benefit is meeting the media, who followed – from the first day – the details of the filming, and we wanted to shed light on this work in a different way. The ceremony was held after the presentation of the first and second episodes and their success. that bet on this different type of business.

Technical expertise

• The name of the work is derived from the international superstar Marlon Brando, so why did you choose this character specifically, and what does it mean to you?

– First: Because in the history of cinema, they say: “Before Brando … and after Brando”; Because he changed the school of acting, and created a new style for her in approaching acting roles. Second: The character of “Brando of the East” in the series is similar – to a large extent – to Marlon Brando’s social and artistic personality, and even his family life and marriage. I chose Marlon Brando; Because of my personal admiration for him, and for the social controversy he lived through, which we reflected in the series, as we were inspired by many events related to his ascent of the ladder, step by step.. to the pinnacle of glory and stardom.

• The series sheds light on the problems of the artistic community, and behind the scenes of business production.. Is this the result of personal suffering?

There is no success without suffering, but the series is not the result of suffering, but rather the result of the accumulation of technical and social experience. Because the work does not speak exclusively about the scenes of art, but rather about the scenes of man, we all aspire to succeed one day, and the way to search for success is the way to search for oneself; The series says briefly: “While searching for yourself, be careful not to lose it.” You should not achieve success at the expense of your humanity and principles.

Upcoming project

• You are known for the theatre. How comfortable have you been working on television?

– I started in television, and it was my success in television that took me to the stage, and moved the audience with me to the stage. Today, after a long absence from television, because of the theater that took me and consumed me, I return to television from the wide door through this work, and with this wonderful group of partners, starting from the production company, through all the co-stars, up to the director Amin Dora.

• What is your next project, and will it also be written and starring you, or will you settle for one side of them?

The next project is the series “Fire with Fire”, and I will participate in it as an actor only. It was written by Rami Koussa, directed by Muhammad Abdulaziz, and produced by Al-Sabah Company as well. It stars the two stars: Abed Fahd and Karis Bashar. I also have a movie in Germany, specifically in The city of Hamburg, with Anna Schygulla, one of the most important German actresses, directed by Amir Fakhr El-Din, and with the participation of a large group of international actors, and there is also a Lebanese film written by me entitled “Al-Wawi”, directed by Amin Dora.

• This series starring a Lebanese artist and a Syrian artist, for the first time.. Tell us about this combination!

– (Laughing) Why isn’t this combination correct?! Why should the heroic artist be from Syria and the female artist from Lebanon? What is the problem if we reverse the equation?.. What is important is that the matter be justified in the joint work, as it is not possible to drop personalities without justification, and justification is not only required, but rather it must be convincing and presented correctly; So that we can bring together representatives of different Arab nationalities, participating in one action.

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