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Bouloc. Carnival: we burned the virus!

Under a beautiful spring sun and summer heat, the crowd was there to parade through the streets of the village under the jets of confetti.

The evening began with a rally in the parking lot of the Maison des Associations. Families had the opportunity to take part in activities offered within the grounds of the elementary leisure centre. Before the big start, the children and the animators performed two choreographies that they had prepared the weeks preceding the event.

The whole community involved

Monsieur Carnival, a giant virus, has traveled through the village. The float was followed by the mayor, Serge Terrancle, accompanied by 1st deputy Rémi Pérotin, both leaders of the parade. The parade was punctuated by African percussion from the Boulocaine association “Les Amy d’Aby Samandje”. Monsieur Carnaval was created by the entertainers and the children of the leisure center as well as all the decorations of the city. The Babillage crèche and the early childhood relay had also produced floats, present at the heart of the procession.

Upon arrival at the brick dryer, Mr. Carnival’s judgment took place. A ruthless sentence pronounced by two children, his fate was cast, the virus ended, he was burned. The event then ended with an aperitif dinner prepared by the school catering service.

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