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Bouchez agrees: Vivaldi can continue

MR Chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez agrees to the deal previously reached between the preformers Egbert Lachaert and Conner Rousseau. The formation of a Vivaldi government can resume.

This afternoon, the first major hurdle had already been taken in Vivaldi’s resuscitation. The two preformers found a ‘purple agreement’ that could break the deadlock in the negotiations for a new government.

According to insiders, the agreement is still vague, but a political balance has been sought. All seven parties would have two trophies, with which they can go to their supporters.

With the deal, the two preformers went to Bouchez, which has just given its green light. Both liberal parties sell the deal by emphasizing that they have been able to stop a capital gains tax and a securities tax. Total expenditure on new policies would be limited to 3 to 4 billion, instead of 6 billion.

The socialists can count on the minimum pension to be raised to 1,500 euros and benefits above the poverty threshold. CD&V can also give that feather in its hat and also receive guarantees about abortion and state reform. The greens get a climate plan and the nuclear exit. It returns to the very first Vivaldi deal, taking the 2003 law as the starting point. This means that all conditions must be met before all power stations can be closed.

The liberals have brought in that the budget is not completely derailed and that labor market reforms are being pursued.


If all parties agree, Lachaert and Rousseau can propose to King Filip at 6.30 pm to start with the formation of a Vivaldi government. It is not yet clear who should take the lead as formateurs, because that is closely related to the question of who will be prime minister in the future. That discussion about premiership has just been put on hold.

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