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Boost Your Immunity in the Cold Season: Tips from Dr. Cecilia Ho

Autumn does not only mean walks in the park on cool evenings or beautiful outfits with boots and coats, but also the beginning of the season of colds and flu.

The secret of immunity was revealed by a Canadian doctor, Dr. Cecilia Ho, who is a naturopathic specialist, a side of homeopathic medicine that combines nutrition, natural plants, acupuncture and lifestyle. Dr. Cecilia Ho recommended, on her website, some methods to prevent health problems in the cold season.

The doctor says that it is necessary to introduce a mixture of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats into your diet. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, grapefruit, peppers and kiwi, can help strengthen the immune response. Also, incorporating garlic into your meals can provide antimicrobial properties that can help ward off colds and flu.

Here are four nutrients that can provide you with the secret of immunity, according to Canadian doctor Cecilia Ho.

Vitamin D

During the summer we spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, increasing our natural intake of vitamin D. However, as the seasons change and the days become shorter and colder, we rarely go outside to enjoy of Sun. Vitamin D, which is synthesized in the skin when we are exposed to sunlight, plays an essential role in stimulating immunity and regulating mood. The doctor says that it is essential to take the time to go outdoors on sunny days to absorb as much vitamin D as possible. She also recommends natural vitamin D supplements in the fall and winter.

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To build a strong foundation for your immune system, it is important to take care of your digestive health. Probiotics and “good” bacteria are essential to support intestinal health and immunity.

“Natural sources of probiotics: such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir and other fermented foods. Also, a probiotic supplement is recommended to maintain high immunity during the change of season”, writes Dr. Cecilia Ho on her blog.

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Vitamin C

Present in many foods, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help boost the immune system. It is found in citrus fruits, peppers, berries and cabbage. In large doses, vitamin C is powerful in fighting infections, colds, coughs, common during the cold season.


If you suffer from joint pain when the weather changes, turmeric can help, according to the doctor.

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“Not only does turmeric stimulate immunity, but it can also reduce inflammation in the joints. Turmeric can spice both food and drinks. Try a little turmeric in your morning coffee,” explains homeopathic physician Dr. Cecilia Ho.

If you don’t like the aroma of turmeric, you can find it in the form of capsules at health food stores.

So, these 4 little tricks can help you achieve the secret of immunity in the cold season and avoid diseases such as colds, flu or viruses.

Photo: freepik.com

2023-09-28 04:29:44
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