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Bomb! Andrea is with Kubrat again, exposed his new one with a scandalous phone call! VIDEO

The top boxer made an ultra-expensive gift of 12,000 euros for his ex-girlfriend’s birthday

One week before his second son was born, Kubrat Pulev personally congratulated Andrea on her birthday in a capital restaurant. Something more! The two were not just together there, but they also got close again, never mind that their separation was noisy, scandalous and still widely commented on, writes show.blitz.bg

The pop folk star caused a real fire in no time after showing on social networks exactly what they are doing with Kubrat, and shortly after that he released a scandalous phone conversation with the ex-wife of the previous man, whose lover was the new Cobra.

What the two exchange in the conversation and simply shocking! A series of frauds, scams and serious criminal intentions become clear! This time, Andrea is clearly determined to do anything to show what the truth really is!

Listen to Andrea’s scandalous phone call exposing Kubrat’s new wife at show.blitz.bg and see what gift she got from him for her birthday

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