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Bolivia, former president Evo Morales accused of rape

The Bolivian government has filed a criminal complaint against the former president Evo Morales for an alleged relationship with a minor. This was announced Thursday by the Deputy Minister of Justice Guido Melgar.

The Ministry of Justice filed a complaint against “the citizen Juan Evo Morales Ayma for crimes of rape and trafficking in human beings,” he said at a press conference. An announcement that comes after the publication in recent days in the local press and on social networks of photographs of Evo Morales alongside a young woman, NM, now nineteen.


Melgar explained that photos taken by a cell phone belonging to one of the woman’s relatives show her traveling with Mr. Morales. “The curious thing here is that she was a minor at the time, and as we all know, a minor needed her parents’ permission to travel,” he said.

The girl was 14 when she started accompanying the president on a trip, reports the Spanish news agency Efe. The role of the young woman’s family in “allowing” Morales to travel with her even as a minor is also being investigated, Melgar said, adding that the government does not know where NM is, but has evidence that her family has visited. Argentina, where Mr. Morales lives.

In Bolivia, rape is punishable from two to six years in prison and human trafficking and smuggling from 10 to 15 years. The 60-year-old former left-wing president (2006-2019) stepped down in November after weeks of protests and pressure from the military following controversial presidential elections. Morales then took refuge in Argentina.

The Bolivian transitional government has since continued to make new charges against him, adding those of sedition and terrorism due to the violence that broke out between October and November 2019. In mid-August, it also announced that it had filed a complaint against the former. head of state for “terrorism and genocide”, accusing him, among other things, of being responsible for roadblocks erected across the country. Neither Evo Morales nor his Movement for Socialism (Mas) commented on the new accusations.

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