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Blood in stool baby | Ask baby care expert Katrin Simon


Dear Mrs. Simon,

we have a wonderful son who is now 17 weeks old. Unfortunately he occasionally has a few light traces of blood in his stool, really not much, but we see it every now and then. He is otherwise fine and the chair is otherwise not conspicuous. We have already been to the pediatrician twice because of this, he said sometimes there are tiny injuries in the anal canal from pressing, which is why the blood could come. He considered breast milk-induced colitis unlikely, since our son is fine and the blood levels are very low. Overall, it sounded like it wasn’t dangerous at all. But I am still unsure. Do you know such cases from your day-to-day work? What else could we have examined or should we just wait and see? I would be grateful for a brief assessment, but I’m a little scared about it.

by manma on 07.09.2021, 13:20

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