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Blood donation in Thuir: we register

The next blood drive in the capital of Aspres will take place Wednesday 17 and Thursday March 18 at the Maison des jeunes et de la culture from 3 pm to 7:30 pm As for the last time, the collection will be done by appointment. Reducing waiting times and increasing donor safety are the main advantages of this new practice. You have two ways to reserve your time slot: by internet using the “Don du sang” mobile application or by clicking on the address monrdv-dondesang.efs.sante.fr and by phone on 0800 972 100.

The possibility of donating blood after 6 pm is possible by checking the box “assistance to vulnerable people” on the certificate exempting from the curfew (bring an identity document and a pen).

148 donors in December

148 people attended the last blood drive in December 2020, including nine new donors. The current health crisis is complicated and solidarity for the sick is more relevant than ever. If the hope of an exit from the crisis is hoped for, it is important to ensure the supply of blood products so that the surgeries can be held in good conditions.

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