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Black tea is beneficial for people with high cholesterol


SURYAKEPRI.COM Cholesterol is a fat that is produced in the liver, but it can also be obtained from the consumption of animal foods, such as meat. At normal levels, cholesterol is needed by the body to form healthy cells.

However, if the amount is too great, cholesterol can build up in the blood vessels and damage their walls. This can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease. People suffering from this disease are also prone to serious complications if they become infected with the Corona virus.

Even so, the consumption of black tea it can be a way to lower high cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. To be clear, learn about the benefits of black tea for high cholesterol in the discussion below.

Reasons why black tea is good for cholesterol

The benefits of black tea for high cholesterol are obtained from the various natural compounds it contains, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Both compounds have antioxidant properties that are known to be good for health.

Flavonoids are able to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Similar to flavonoids, polyphenols have also been shown to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels stable in order to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Due to the cholesterol-lowering benefits of black tea, this drink can be routinely consumed by people with hypercholesterolemia. Black tea should be consumed 1-3 glasses per day. However, it is recommended to consume it 1-2 hours after eating so as not to interfere with the absorption of nutrients from other foods.

Also, to get the best benefits, black tea doesn’t have to be added with a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Unsalted black tea is even more recommended.

Although the benefits of black tea for cholesterol are not in doubt, research into these benefits is still under development. Further studies aim to evaluate the efficacy and appropriate serving of black tea as a therapy for certain medical conditions.

To maintain normal cholesterol levels

In addition to consuming black tea, here’s how you can go about maintaining cholesterol levels:

1. Pay attention to food intake

Pay attention to food intake so that cholesterol levels are always maintained. One of the triggers for the increase in cholesterol levels is the content of trans fat and saturated fat in fatty foods. Therefore, reduce the consumption of fatty foods, such as fried foods, as well as fast foods, fatty foods and offal.

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