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Blachere Illumination, the Vaucluse company that makes 5th Avenue shine in New York

A snowman on an airplane, a New York taxi, a hot air balloon and, of course, trees… Here are some of the surprising light creations installed on the mythical Fifth Avenue since the beginning of December.

Behind these decorations, around which passers-by gather to take selfies, is a family business from Apt, in the Vaucluse: Blachere Illumination. Founded in 1973 by Jean-Paul Blachère, the company with 400 employees worldwide is a benchmark in the field of illumination of public places. It is notably at the origin of the LED curtains that adorn the Champs-Elysées or the sparkle of the Eiffel Tower for the transition to the year 2000.

In total, this dynamic SME has illuminated 150 countries and 60% of cities in France. « Our job is similar to fashion. In our catalog, we offer designs that could be compared to ready-to-wear. We are tailor-made. In addition, we do a lot of manual work, especially to weave the LEDs on the structures. In this, our approach is akin to haute-couture », explains Johan Hugues, the CEO of the group and nephew of the founder.

As export sales manager between 2001 and 2010, the manager, who joined the Aptésian company thirty years ago, sensed the potential of the American market very early on. « I took my pilgrim’s staff. I had been to the States a few times and already saw very little of the quality of what we were doing. We arrived with colored lights that Americans had never seen, he recalls. For me it was an eldorado ». A subsidiary was set up in 2003.

A major turning point occurs four years later. The company is selected to cover the castle at Disney Park in Orlando with LEDs. « It was a gigantic project. We had to do it in four months when we were asking for twelve. It was a commercial success because no one had done this until now. It brought us other projects, like Disney Paris, he said. We have become the little Frenchies who have achieved something new! ».

During the company’s first steps in the United States, he made a meeting that would prove to be decisive for the future: the current president of thepromotion association of 5th Avenue, the French Jérôme Barth. Several years after losing sight of each other, the latter contacted him again to tell him about the project to decorate the legendary New York avenue. Blachere Illumination wins the tender and installs its luminous treasures on the sidewalk for the first time in December 2020.

The installation of these objects required « a real technological performance», explains the entrepreneur. «It was necessary to create autonomous illuminations in electricity, powered by battery, because we could not suspend cables. It had never been done on 5th Avenue. »

Located between 50th and 59th Street, these creations aren’t the only Blachere Illumination babies on American soil right now. Since last year, it has carpeted the Hudson Yards complex (shopping center building, The Vessel, the trees …) with « millions de LED ». In Downtown Houston, she notably set up a tunnel of 100,000 lights along Bagby Street. The installation will be visible until January 2.

The decorations are produced in a factory in Illinois. « There is certainly a desire on the part of Americans to move away from too traditional codes of Christmas decorations, such as green wreaths with red ribbons. », continues Johan Hugues.

Its weapon in the face of competition: sustained investments in research and development activities, which today represent 4% of the company’s turnover. And half of this budget is devoted to eco-responsible innovations. « Our activity is seasonal. So we don’t live cushy by slapping our stomachs. We rely on innovation so as not to remain static. It’s in our DNA, explains Johan Hugues. The competition likes to make standardized products. We love the challenge of tailor-made. »

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