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Bima Arya: Habib Rizieq Swab Secretly!


The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, revealed that the Bogor COVID-19 Task Force and Ummi Hospital had agreed to carry out the test swab to Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS). However, the test was not carried out because Habib Rizieq and his family had already undergone the test swab quietly and hid the result.

Initially, Bima revealed his meeting with his son-in-law Habib Rizieq, Hanif Alatas. During the meeting, Bima asked Habib Rizieq to beswab and the results are submitted to the Bogor City Government.

Hanif, said Bima, agreed. However, Hanif asked the team that underwent swab is the MER-C team.

“It was delivered directly by Hanif who did (swab) the MER-C team, but we don’t know his name yet, he was given his contact and I made direct contact regarding the report swab, he said ready, but that (gave the results report swab) never happened, “said Bima in a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Jalan Dr. Sumarno, Cakung, East Jakarta, Wednesday (14/4/2021).

Bima admitted to allowing MER-C to do so swab because the regulations are allowed as long as they are accompanied by the Bogor City COVID Task Force team. However, because of the results swab not notified, Bima asked swab reset it was done.

“We want (swab reset) to be sure swab done and the results are known, that’s all, “said Bima.

In addition, Bima revealed that his party had made an agreement with the Director of Ummi Hospital in Bogor, Dr. Andi Tatat, to do this swab to Habib Rizieq. However, it was not done because Habib Rizieq undergo swab secretly.

“I asked the hospital to just inform the arrival of (MER-C team) at what time, but Dr. Andi said that he was still waiting for the arrival from Jakarta, maybe after Friday prayers we were getting ready to send a Bakda companion team on Friday,” he explained.

“But we agreed to do it swab? “asked the prosecutor.

“Already agreed to assist (the test swab), apparently according to Andi Tatat, swab has been done without his knowledge, “replied Bima.

Therefore, Bima assessed that Ummi Hospital had violated the Bogor Perwali regulations regarding the handling of COVID-19. Ummi Hospital violated because it did not openly provide information related to positive patients with COVID-19.

“(Violated) because the hospital did not report as it is, because the Covid Handling Officer had to report periodically, or report suspected cases of COVID-19, because we deliver it every day, so if it is not done, the public hospital will be obstructed. , “said Bima.

Watch the video: Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Becomes a Witness in the Habib Rizieq Swab Case Hearing

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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