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Bill Clinton, fourth night in intensive care

Fourth night of hospital in intensive care for Bill Clinton, hospitalized in Orange County, California, due to an infection. Spokesman Angel Urena made it known late yesterday evening. “All the health indicators are heading in the right direction, including his white blood cell count which has dropped significantly,” he added. “President Clinton continues to be in a great mood and is deeply grateful for the exceptional care he is receiving and the good wishes people have sent from across America and around the world.”

On Clinton’s first trip to the West Coast after the pandemic, the 75-year-old former president, visiting friends in Orange County before an event for the Clinton Foundation, was admitted to the Irvine Medical Center in Orange, where he was admitted. diagnosed with a urological infection that has turned into a blood infection. Clinton was treated with intravenous antibiotic treatment in the intensive care unit as a precautionary measure to avoid exposure to Covid-19. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew to California on Thursday and appeared at the foundation event before visiting her husband in the hospital.

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